A land forged from the fires of strife, blood of heroes, and touch of the gods.
Where deeds of great valor, vile evils, and blazing passions intertwine
to shape the course of elven and human history within.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Late Again, as Usual

OK, I realize the entire month of January went by without a single blog from me.  Truth be told, my work schedule has been pretty heavy and between that and finalizing Kaanan's Way for publication, I simply haven't had time.  But just to show I really do intend to write a few articles in the months to come, here's a partial list of ideas for my posts:

My travel experiences (I travel internationally for my work), and how they compare to character's travel in Ardwel.

The City-States in Ardwel vs. real city-states I've visited; Singapore, Dubai, Doha.

The Circuitous Covert Path; why some stories seem to wander all over the place.

Fighting "fits"; combat training in the SCA and how it helps me write fighting scenes.

Basic Math; how long is it REALLY going to take me to finish The Ardwellian Chronicles

So you see, I have some stuff to put out there for comment; just don't hold me to a time frame... again.

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