A land forged from the fires of strife, blood of heroes, and touch of the gods.
Where deeds of great valor, vile evils, and blazing passions intertwine
to shape the course of elven and human history within.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Movin' on Down the Line

OK, so it's time to go back to work.  On your story, or poem, or script, or the novel you were born to write.  You have all these great ideas, you've probably even written some scenes or even a chapter or two, and now you really need to put the proveribal lead to the grindstone and get your rear in gear. 
OK... go ahead.  Nothing is stopping you, is it?  Oh, yeah, I gotta do the shopping, or mow the lawn, or trim the hedges, or any one of a dozen things that get you out of the house and thinking about something other than writing.
These are sure signs of (1) boredom with what you're writing, (2) not having a clue what you want to write, or (3) you just need a break.  OK, so let's take these in reverse order.
(3) Unless you're on a deadline, not one self-imposed but a professional one, take the time off if you really need it.  Because if you try to force yourself to write, you might put some words on paper (or the computer screen) but they won't be what you really want.  So take a break and get away from it for a while.
(2) If you really are stumped as to what you want to write about, take stock of where you've been and where you want to go with the story.  Review what you have written and project in your mind from that point.  Look down the road and see where you want the story to go, then jot down some ideas on how to get there.  Put together an outline; start broad, then fill in the details as you think about it.  A little brain-storming with a friend or two might even help, or if you're reluctant to do that, mull it over in your mind and you'll probably come up with some ideas to get back on track.
(1) If you're really bored with the story and have no interest in continuing it... stop.  Set it aside and move on to something else.  I've faced times when I didn't want to work on THIS story but THAT story, and felt guilty for it.  Why?  Probably because I write in linear fashion and to jump around bugs me.  But I've done it, and in the end, was a better writer for it, and the story I set aside became a better story as well. 
So if you really don't want to write your current work, it's OK.  We all go through things like this.  Work on something else; write a blog, put a website together, write some short vignettes about whatever strikes your fancy.  At some point you'll decide you're ready to take a look at that story again, and you'll be ready to dig back into it, I'll betcha!
Just remember; writing is an art, and as with all art, requires inspiration.  Give yourself time to find that inspiration again before you decide you're ready to move on down the line.

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